Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Still in SD; Exploring the "Badlands"

Hi again all. I told you I'd be better about posting, and lo and behold... TWO days in a row!!! haha. I'm still in South Dakota, but now I'm on the western side of the state just outside the Badlands National Park. The drive today was awesome, as the terrain really started to change, especially when I got to the Missouri River in central South Dakota. I spent a couple of hours hiking around the area, taking some pictures and reading about Lewis & Clark's trail that followed the Missouri River. Very cool stuff. Found some jack-rabbit tracks and enjoyed the scenery of the frozen river, looking across to the cedar covered bluffs. It's an absolutely beautiful area.

Once I crossed the river, the landscape changed significantly, from rolling farmland to open, snow-covered prairie. The driving was great today, with clear skies and light winds, and I made some good distance. But the snow started again in the late afternoon, just as I reached the Badlands. I got a few pictures from the entrance to the park, but the snow was coming in, so I headed up the road to find a hotel for the night. I'm planning on heading into the park tomorrow, weather permitting, but the forecast for tomorrow is 20 degrees with snow, blowing snow, and 20-30 mph winds. Thursday is supposed to be very nice... calmer winds and almost 30 degrees, so I may have to wait 'till then. We'll see. While I'm here, I plan to check out Mount Rushmore, as well as the Black Mountains.

I'm really surprised at how much the land here speaks to me. I've always been a "mountains" kind of guy, but these rolling prairies, with sharp bluffs, and such a sense of wide-open space, really strikes a chord somewhere inside of me. I'm looking forward to exploring it further in the next couple of days.

'til then...



Anonymous said...

Hey, man, gorgeous pics. Glad you are seeing the sights. It's great to follow along with you on the trail. Enjoy, stay warm, and keep on adventuring! Lots of love from (comparably balmy at 38 degrees) Little Rock. Your sis.

Anonymous said...

The pictures are really great. Glad to hear from you and glad all is going well. Stay warm and keep exploring. Love you. m

Lefty said...

Hey guys! Good to hear from you. Glad you are checking in on the "blog". haha. Looks like some ice might be moving in to your area in the next day or two sis. Careful on the roads! Better yet, stay home!

Good to talk to you the other day mom! Keep hangin' in there!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

HI Guy. You went through the country where I went pheasant hunting. It is a little place called Kennebec, SD. The terrain looks rolling but when you spend the day going up and down the gullies, draws, bottomless holes, etc it takes on a somewhat different "feel." It sure is nice out there -- wide open spaces and friendly people. Have a hoot for me, toodles, UB